Gián điệp trong băng cướp Unit 32

Gián điệp trong băng cướp Unit 32

Gián điệp trong băng cướp Unit 32

Gián điệp trong băng cướp Unit 32

Một nhóm băng cướp gồm 3 người (A,B,C) decided to lên kế hoạch cướp ngân hàng Thụy Sĩ. Hiện chúng were robbing ngân hàng và phá khóa két sắt contains golds and dollars.A: Had you solve the problem about khóa sắt yet?B: We were createing (creating)  a bomb to spoil the lock, so it's quite long. We had to combine chất X and chất Y, then stired them together. While they adjusted it, the police had come the bank.Unfortunately, the police covered every exit. Nhóm băng cướp bắt đầu hoảng loạn and selected to escape.They didn't forget to delete the proofs in the scene of the crime  A,B,C (got) get out of the bank and the police chased them. Băng cướp saw a pair of roller skates and they competed for it. Cuối cùng thủ lĩnh của băng nhóm là A took it and he skated on street. Therefore, B didn't the a pair of skates, the police (ed)catch up him and he was arrested. After A defeated B, A went to a costum store. Then, he collected, decorated and converted himself into a man who has the shaved beard and sewed wounds. Afterwards, he continued to run. He controled perfectly with a pair of skates and the police couldn't catch up him. A met a building site and afterward he fell at the bend. Moreover, he (was) be out of energy (he was tired) and cuối cùng A was arrested. He couldn't defend his rights and reserved bữa ăn thịnh soạn cuối cùng trong đời mình. The damage is done and A, B spilled their guts. Kế hoạch đổ vỡ là do C là gián diệp :)))

Tác giả: Duc Hoang

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